Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to transport 35 people

This experiment made in Denver is called “How to transport 35 people” and is useful to understand cars are not the best urban transportation system. It has been calculated only 1,2 passengers travel in average in each car. In the first picture 35 people travel in 35 different cars,  getting stuck in a traffic jam.
In the second picture the drivers are without the cars, surrounded by the space previously occupied by their vehicles. It makes really clear how much city surface can be taken by cars .
In the third picture the 35 drivers take seat in an imaginary bus and the traffic jam magically disappears. .
In the last picture the 35 car drivers are still in the bus, but now more cars, bikes, motorbikes and pedestrians pop up in the street. You have now more than 50 people in the street, but the traffic is still really fluid.

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